Support in your area
Through our network of support groups, and regular information and support events, you can connect with people in your area going through the same thing as you.
All our support groups are run by volunteers, some who are living with osteoporosis, and others closely touched by the condition. They organise a programme of informal meetings, talks and social events, for you and your loved ones.
Support groups and our programme of information and support events are supported by our Volunteer and Public Engagement team. You can find the full list of current support groups in our A to Z of local groups.
"I look forward to meeting up with friends, old and new, who all share a common problem - osteoporosis. We help one another with the aid of the Royal Osteoporosis Society."
Some things to remember:
- Anyone is welcome to attend any support group meeting, this includes both online meetings and in person meetings
- All support group meetings are publicly advertised on our website, and are open to anyone to attend
- You do not have to attend your nearest group
- You can attend meetings by more than one group
- You do not need to be a member of ROS to attend a support group meeting
- If you are staying away from home, in the UK (visiting family, on holiday or similar) and would like to attend a meeting of the support group where you are visiting, you are welcome to attend