Coping with long term pain

If you’re experiencing persistent pain after breaking a bone, it’s understandable to feel frustrated or let down that your pain relief isn’t working.

After all, pain can affect your ability to concentrate, stay physically active and generally enjoy life.

Pain is very individual, so what works for one person might not work for you. Conventional pain medication doesn’t always provide complete relief. However, there are a few practical steps you can take if you’re experiencing chronic pain:

  • Understand your pain and what triggers it
  • Learn to accept your pain
  • Pace yourself by planning and prioritising your daily tasks
  • Learn relaxation techniques
  • Find something to distract you from the pain
  • Some strength exercises can help with pain
  • Make a 'flare up plan', to help you cope through an episode of pain
  • Know who is there for you, if you need help
  • Be aware of how your mood can affect your pain levels

For more detail on the practical steps you can take to reduce pain, read our managing pain after broken bones factsheet.

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