Our spokespeople
We have a range of expert spokespeople including staff, clinical experts and doctors available for interview.

Chief Executive: Craig Jones
Craig has held leadership roles in membership and regulatory bodies over the last decade and sits on the Board of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
Craig regularly comments the charity’s strategic direction, the charity sector, public affairs and policy.

Trustee: Dr Nicky Peel
Nicky has been a consultant in metabolic bone medicine for more than 20 years. She is the clinical lead for the Metabolic Bone service at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield, instrumental in developing and evaluating innovative models of service delivery.
Nicky gives clinical insight, commenting on osteoporosis and bone health.
Highlighted on this page are just a few of our spokespeople. We also have access to researchers, Parliamentarians, doctors and nurses.
To find out more about our president and ambassadors, visit our who we are page.