Early Career Grants 

The purpose of each grant is to support a researcher in the early stages of their career through specific funding of a research project. The scheme aims to invest in the development of the next generation of outstanding osteoporosis researchers. Therefore applicants will need to have demonstrated that they are on an upward trajectory with great potential and are now ready to take the next step towards becoming an independent principal investigator.


  • Applicants must be based at a university, postgraduate institute, medical school, NHS trust or Health Board in the UK or other British Islands
  • Applicants must hold an employment contract at the institution that they are applying from, which covers the proposed duration of the grant
  • Applicants should not already have obtained substantial funding from other sources (e.g. fellowship or large project grants)
  • Applicants should normally be no more than four years from appointment to their first permanent academic position. Allowance will be made for applicants whose career has been subject to interruption for family or personal reasons
  • Applicants must hold a doctorate or have equivalent research experience. Early Career Researchers, Clinicians, Nurses, Pharmacists and members of the Allied Health Professions who meet the eligibility criteria may apply through this scheme
  • Applications for any one grant round will be restricted to one per applicant
  • If the project requires ethical approval, the award is dependent upon the requisite approvals being granted

Researchers who do not meet the eligibility criteria for the Early Career Grant scheme may wish to consider applying for a Project Grant or Innovative Grant.

What is offered

Early Career Grants provide up to £30,000 over a maximum of two years.

  • The charity will only fund direct costs in line with the AMRC policy. This may include: the materials and consumables of the project, the purchase of items of essential equipment and collaborative travel. All costs must be fully justified within the application
  • Early Career Grants cannot be used to pay for personal salary costs or to employ research assistants, PhD students or postdoctoral staff
  • Early Career Grants are not intended to be used as “top up” funding to meet a supplement funding from another body
  • This scheme is not designed to cover phase II/III clinical trials and drug discovery or development
  • The charity does not fund animal research.

How to apply

The application process consists of two stages.  In the first stage an expression of interest is submitted, in the form of a short outline application.  Successful applicants at this stage will be invited to Stage 2 and asked to complete a more detailed application. Please read the following Royal Osteoporosis Society documents before completing a full Stage 1 application:

All our grants are reviewed by people affected by osteoporosis, so we recommend applicants involve the perspective of people affected by the condition in developing their application and have a clear plan for public and patient involvement and engagement (PPIE), for the best chance of success.

The indicative costs section is intended to be an approximation and does not require institutional approval at this stage. However, please ensure that the costs are realistic as large differences between Stage 1 and 2 applications may reduce the likelihood of the Stage 2 application being funded.

Applications must be made on the official Stage 1 application form and must be submitted electronically to research@theros.org.uk prior to the submission deadline.

Useful downloads:

Deadlines and key dates

Deadlines  Dates 
Early Career Grants scheme launch April 2022
Stage 1 application deadline  6 June 2022
Applicants notified of a Stage 1 decision  July 2022
Stage 2 application deadline  6 September 2022
Applicants notified of a final decision  December 2022

To register your interest in the next ROS Grants Round e-mail research@theros.org.uk

Contact details

  • If you have any questions relating to the scheme, your eligibility for the scheme or whether your research proposal is within scope please contact us on 01761 473125 or via email at research@theros.org.uk


NIHR Non-commercial Partner

The studies that we fund may be eligible to access the NIHR Study Support Service which is provided by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN). Find out more here.

We’re working towards a future without osteoporosis.

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