ROS Comments on Report Addressing Vitamin D Deficiency in Ireland

Head office

08 Apr 2021

The Oireachtas Health Committee published a report yesterday addressing vitamin D deficiency in Ireland.

The report recommends that public health measures are established, including a daily vitamin D supplementation of 20-25µg/day for the entire adult population. The public health measures put forward are preventative in nature and are recommended to reduce illnesses such as osteoporosis.

Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS), Clinical Advisor, Sarah Leyland said: “It is positive to see vitamin D and the benefits to bone health being explored on behalf of people in Ireland through this report. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and healthy muscles, and we know that low levels can increase your risk of osteoporosis and broken bones.

“People’s natural levels of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight are lower during the winter months and this may have been made worse by less time spent outdoors during recent lockdowns. We recommend that everyone considers taking a 10 microgram (400IU) vitamin D supplement during the winter to improve bone health, combined with a balanced healthy diet and regular physical activity.

“As we enter spring and summer months, it is important that people get outside for around 10 minutes, once or twice a day, to absorb vitamin D from sunlight – while taking precautions to protect their skin. If you aren’t getting outside very often, you should keep taking a supplement and if you have been advised to take a higher dose of vitamin D, you should continue with your usual dose.”

The ROS is today calling for a similar report to be carried out by the public health authorities in the UK, particularly following the likely impact of lockdowns on worsening Vitamin D deficiency.

Given its importance for strong and healthy bones, the ROS is also calling on Government to launch a public awareness-raising campaign about Vitamin D supplementation.

Read about the report here.


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