Norwich and District Support Group

The Norwich and District support group is a team of volunteers who offer people affected with osteoporosis the chance to meet other people in the area similarly affected, get information, support and ask questions about osteoporosis treatment and care.

Programme 2025

Monday 3 March, 2pm (at the Oddfellows Hall)

AGM; and a talk on The history and future of the Plantation Garden by Roger Connah, Chairman of the Plantation Garden Preservation Trust

Monday 2 June, 2pm (at the Oddfellows Hall)

Big C, your local cancer charity
Antonia Gray, Marketing and Communications Manager at Big C

Monday 1 September, 2pm (at the Oddfellows Hall)

Details to be announced. 

Monday 1 December, 2pm (at the Oddfellows Hall)

Medical Update
Professor Karl Gaffney, Consultant Rheumatologist at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 


Keep an eye on this page for updates, or complete our online form to stay in touch and to be sent details of events in your area.


Venue: The Oddfellows Hall, 113A Reepham Road, Norwich, NR6 5AB

Time: 2pm (unless stated otherwise)

Admission: £3 including tea and coffee. There's no need to book and we are always happy to welcome new people to the group, so please feel free to come along to a meeting. Raffle prizes always welcome.

For further information, please contact:

ROS Volunteer & Public Engagement team

ROS Volunteer & Public Engagement team telephone number01761 473113

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