Merthyr Tydfil and District Support Group

The Merthyr Tydfil and District Support Group is a team of volunteers who offer people affected with osteoporosis the chance to meet other people in the area similarly affected, get information, support and ask questions about osteoporosis treatment and care.

Programme 2025

Tuesday 11 February, 1.30pm (at the Indoor Bowls Club, Rhydycar Leisure Complex, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1UT)

Speaker from Older Persons Commissioners (Wales)

Tuesday 11 March, 1.30pm (at the Indoor Bowls Club, Merthyr Tydfil)

Sound Bath

Tuesday 8 April, 1.30pm (at the Indoor Bowls Club, Merthyr Tydfil)

Medical Update from Dr Jane Turton, Llandough Hospital

Tuesday 13 May, 1.30pm (at the Indoor Bowls Club, Merthyr Tydfil)

Tai Chi


Keep an eye on this page for any further updates, or complete our online form to stay in touch and to be sent details of events in your area.


Venue: Indoor Bowls Club, Rhydycar Leisure Complex, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1UT

Time: 1.30pm

For further information, please contact:

Volunteer Engagement Team 

Volunteer Engagement Team  telephone number 01761 473113

To change a life like Ann's, please give today
