Understanding and living with spinal fractures

If you've been diagnosed with spinal fractures, you'll probably have many questions about what this means for you. So we've created a series of films to help answer some of the most common questions.

Whether you've recently been diagnosed with spinal fractures or know someone else who has been – these films are for you.


Understanding spinal fractures

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Spinal fractures: taking care of your body

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Living with spinal fractures

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Living with pain from spinal fractures

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These films were generously supported by:                                   
  Garfield Weston Foundation

Watch our webinar on living well with fractures 

If you're dealing with the long-term effects of broken bones, you may be interested in watching our webinar on living well with fractures. Leading experts Professors Emma Clark, Terence O’Neill and Karen Barker discussed ways to manage the impact of painful broken bones in September 2022 as part of our #BoneMatters series of events.


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