Other conditions

Some health conditions share causes, symptoms or treatment options with osteoporosis, or simply sound similar.


Transient migratory osteoporosis

This is a rare condition where bones suddenly lose bone density, usually in the hip.

In an ‘ordinary’ case of osteoporosis, you only feel pain when you break a bone. Transient migratory osteoporosis can cause chronic and recurring pain, even without a broken bone.

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

CRPS is often triggered by a minor injury or previous broken bone. A symptom of CRPS can be loss of bone density in the affected area.

It can result in continuous pain, the reason for which is poorly understood.

The low bone density associated with CRPS only affects one part of the body. CRPS does not result in osteoporosis elsewhere.

Read more in our fact sheet on CRPS.



This is a different condition from osteoporosis – but many people get the names confused.

Osteoporosis affects the bones. Osteoarthritis affects the joints in the body, causing them to become damaged. This can lead to pain, stiffness and loss of function in areas such as the hips, knees and knuckles, and parts of the spine.

Read more in our fact sheet on osteoarthritis.


Osteogenesis imperfecta

This is a genetic disorder of collagen, the protein structure that calcium and other minerals attach to in your bones to make them strong and hard. It is often known as 'brittle bone disease'.

It causes bones to lose strength and break easily.

Read more about osteogenesis imperfecta

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