Individual volunteer

You can help people be more aware of their bone health by putting on an awareness-raising stand locally or distributing our leaflets and information about osteoporosis in your community

  • Help us get our message about bone health to a wider audience, particularly in areas where we do not have a support group 
  • If you come up with the idea, we can provide you with leaflets and help you with posters and other publicity material
I helped to run an ROS stand at Swami Narayan temple during its Health Week to commemorate its 25th anniversary.  (Vijay, individual volunteer)

If you think you can help, just get in touch with our Volunteer and Public Engagement Team.

View the role description

If you would like to volunteer, please contact

ROS Volunteer and Engagement team

ROS Volunteer and Engagement team telephone number01761 473112/3

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