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Bone Health Accreditation Scheme Partners

The Bone Health Accreditation Scheme offers organisations the opportunity to apply to use a Bone Health Approved logo on their products or services. Our bone health experts will then assess the claims that product is making about bone health.

A wide range of products and services can apply, including food and drinks, supplements and living aids. Once approved, organisations can use the logo on their product packaging or in their marketing to show that they are good for bones.

Get More Vitamin D, Still Mango and Passionfruit

Get More Vits was created in 2013 by Chris Arrigoni and Steve Norris. The sugar-free drinks are made with spring water, natural flavours and are less than 5 calories per serving.

The Mango and Passionfruit soft drink from Get More Vits is the first product to have been approved by a new Bone Health Accreditation Scheme. The drink offers consumers their daily dose of vitamin D – an important vitamin for maintaining healthy bones – in a convenient and healthy format. 

California Prunes

The California Prune Board was established in 1952 to represent growers and handlers under the authority of the California Secretary of Food and Agriculture. Promoting a lifetime of wellness through the enjoyment of California Prunes, the organisation leads the premium prune category with generations of craftsmanship supported by California’s leading food safety and sustainability standards.

High in vitamin K and as a source of manganese, the role prunes can play in bone health has become an increasingly important focus for the California Prune Board.

The Turmeric Co.

Raw Turmeric Vitamin C & D3 Shot

The Turmeric Co. was formed by international footballer Thomas ‘Hal’ Robson-Kanu and his father approximately 15 years ago after injury and surgery threatened Thomas’ footballing career. Thomas found turmeric supplementation considerably helped control the inflammation he was experiencing and further research resulted in production of his bespoke recipe from the home kitchen, later scaling to a state-of-the-art 18,000 sq ft production site.  The Turmeric Co. proudly remains a family-run, UK-based business.

This award-winning formula features raw turmeric root, together with potent doses of vitamin C and vitamin D3 delivered in a liposomal formula, enabling better absorption into the body.  

The Bone Health Accreditation Scheme Disclaimer 

The information on this page does not constitute medical advice. Always check with your doctor before changing your medications or considering supplementation or starting a new exercise programme. Products approved under the Scheme should not be used as an alternative to prescribed medications. 

The Royal Osteoporosis Society does not endorse or recommend one product or service over another, and the charity does not receive any funds directly from the sale of the accredited products or services. 

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