Partner with us

Our partners do more than just give money - they strengthen the nation's bones.

Together, we can increase awareness of good bone health and work towards a future without osteoporosis.

Why partner with us

  • Brand alignment with the UK's only national charity specialising in osteoporosis and working to promote good bone health
  • Access to healthcare professionals, across the UK, through our clinical guidance, training programmes, and specialised events
  • Access to owned and acquired audiences spanning several age categories
  • Alignment to a topical inter-generational cause, with strong media and PR coverage
  • Expertise in developing corporate partnerships and tailored sponsorship opportunities

Together, we can increase awareness of good bone health and work towards a future without osteoporosis.

Find out more about our current partnerships

Our audience

There are three million people in the UK who suffer with osteoporosis, and millions more are at risk of the disease.

We know one in two women, and one in five men, living in the UK, will be impacted by poor bone health in their lifetime.

Partnership opportunities

Cause related marketing

Increase your customer loyalty, brand awareness and direct sales through effective and targeted marketing to new audiences.

Commercial partnerships programme

Demonstrate your organisation's commitment and social responsibility by aligning your organisation's values and helping others with osteoporosis.

Content creation

Help inspire audiences and deliver new engagement through effective and relevant content creation and dissemination.


Sponsor one of our major national or regional events, and be part of our targeted media coverage across our marketing channels.

We have a wide portfolio of sponsorship opportunities available, from healthcare events, couture fashion shows, parliamentary receptions, regional fundraising events and many more.

Make us your charity of the year

Motivate and engage your employees and teams, and raise awareness of your community support programmes.

Corporate volunteering

There are lots of ways your business can support our quest of cure. And we can put together a bespoke programme that works for you.

Bone Health Accreditation Scheme

Our Bone Health Accreditation Scheme offers organisations the opportunity to apply to use a Bone Health Approved logo on their products or services. 

Find out more

Success stories


Find out how Osteocare and the Royal Osteoporosis Society joined forces to alert London Underground commuters about a risk to their bones during the winter months. The timely campaign reached over two million people a day.

Please also see:

Explore partnership opportunities for your organisation:


Fundraising telephone number01761 473 287

We’re driving research and the development of new treatments, working towards a future without osteoporosis.

How you can help

To change a life like Ann's, please give today
