Northern Ireland Osteoporosis Consensus Group

NIOCG currently has 50 members (all registered healthcare professionals from across Northern Ireland) who work with people with, or at risk of, osteoporosis and fragility fracture.

The network includes consultants, doctors, nurses, radiographers and pharmacists.

We welcome new members and the network is free to join.


NIOCG was established with the aim of:

  • Providing leadership and co-ordination across projects designed to continually improve osteoporosis services across Northern Ireland.

  • Promoting delivery of high-quality, efficient and cost-effective falls, fracture and osteoporosis services.

  • Adhering to the core standards as laid down by the British Orthopaedic Association/British Geriatric Association "The Care of Patients with Fragility Fractures", and implement NICE recommendations.

  • Monitoring achievement against these core standards through participation in appropriate national audits.

  • Developing a shared care interface between secondary and primary care with a view to developing a locally agreed osteoporosis care pathway.

  • Lobbying local MLAs and Commissioners to ensure prioritisation and equitable provision of bone health services to the population of Northern Ireland with the aim of improving diagnosis, assessment and management of osteoporosis and other metabolic bone conditions.


To find out more and to be referred to the NIOCG committee for membership please contact 

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