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Standing shoulder to shoulder, we can support more people with osteoporosis – the very patients you serve

It costs just £25 a year to join. 

What your membership gives you 

You’ll receive the same great exclusive benefits as our individual members, including Osteoporosis News - three times a year full of news, views, recipes and information about diet and exercise that you can share with your patients. PLUS; 

  • Our bi-monthly email newsletter Osteoporosis Update
  • A huge saving on subscription to Osteoporosis International. Save over £300* on these peer-reviewed medical journal, about osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases. *Normally £549+VAT
  • Stay up to date on best practice, care and support, new treatments, and the latest research findings.

Since joining as a healthcare professional member I’ve become better informed and am able to deliver the best care possible to my patients

How will membership help you? 

We know you work hard to support people with, or at risk of, osteoporosis – and we’re here to support you. Whether we can help address your patients’ questions or be a source of expertise in the development of your own career, we’re committed to keeping you up to date and informed. 

Our aim is to support you to grow and develop your career and, in turn, you’re helping us make a difference. 

By becoming a member you’ll also help support the specialist nurse Helpline, pioneering research, plus vital prevention and campaigning work - putting bone health at the top of everyone’s agenda.