5 ways to manage the emotional impact of osteoporosis

Blog | Emotional wellbeing

09 May 2024

Senior couple hugging and looking out of window

Living with osteoporosis, with or without fractures, can have an impact on your emotional health

We know that living with osteoporosis can affect your emotional wellbeing, whether you have fractures or not. Here are five practical things you can do to help manage the impact. 

1. Get the facts

You’re probably familiar with the phrase ‘knowledge is power’. That’s certainly true when it comes to osteoporosis. We understand that it’s a complex condition that can seem overwhelming, especially when you’re first diagnosed or unexpectedly experience your first fracture.

We know, too, that many people are essentially left to find out more about the condition by themselves because their GPs either lack specific experience in this area or simply don’t have the time to go into as much detail as they’d like. But help is at hand.

Check out our new emotional wellbeing web pages, packed with resources to help you manage both the physical and emotional aspects of osteoporosis – whether you have the condition yourself or you’re caring for someone else.

2. Connect with others

Did you know that over 5,000 people attended a local ROS support group meeting either in person or online during 2023? Peer support is often invaluable for those with osteoporosis, as it gives people the chance to talk to those who really understand what they’re going through.

We have more and more support groups popping up all over the country thanks to our amazing network of volunteers. Sessions can vary from a coffee and a chat, to talks with healthcare professionals, to full-on exercise demonstrations – check out what’s happening at your local group now.

3. Talk to us

One of the unique things about the ROS is our Specialist Nurse Helpline. Anyone can call for free – whether you’ve got osteoporosis and fractures yourself, or you’re a friend or relative of someone with the condition and you want to know the best way to help them.

The Helpline number 0808 800 0035 is open between 9am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm-5pm Monday to Friday. If you have a question about emotional wellbeing and our Helpline is busy, you can also try calling the following organisations:

NHS Direct - 111, www.111.nhs.uk
Samaritans - 116 123, www.samaritans.org 
Mind – 0300 123 2293, www.mind.org.uk

If you, or someone you know, needs help for mental health immediately, call 999.

4. Keep active

If you're able to keep moving, it's important that you do so for both your physical and mental health. We have lots of exercise videos on our website that have been developed specifically with those at risk of fractures in mind.

Before you start exercising it’s important to find out what’s right for you. Check our fact sheets for some safety information and start exploring ways to keep moving.

In fact, ‘keep moving every day’ and ‘seek professional advice about exercise’ were just two of the top tips from a member from Scotland who cared for her husband when he had spinal fractures. Read her full story now.

5. Share your story

We know from supporter feedback that there is real strength in sharing our stories. Hearing about the lived experience of others can be comforting and inspirational and help people see that they’re not alone.

It can also be cathartic for those telling their story, enabling them to share their journey, in their own words, and make their voice heard.

Whether you’re living with osteoporosis or supporting someone on their journey, we’d love to hear from you.

If you’re ready to share your story, please email us at mystory@theros.org.uk and a member of the team will be in touch.


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