Average completion time: 3 mins.
Take our osteoporosis risk checker and get a personalised report on your bone health.
Osteoporosis is a condition where bones lose strength and become more likely to break. Over 3.5 million people in the UK are currently living with the condition.
It’s never too early or too late to start looking after your bones.
Our risk checker is not designed for people who have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis or had their bone health assessed by a healthcare professional.
The Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) osteoporosis risk checker is intended to raise awareness of factors that are known to increase the risk of developing osteoporosis and broken bones. The information provided is a guide and not a replacement for medical advice. The risk checker is not a diagnostic tool, only a healthcare professional can diagnose osteoporosis and predict your risk of breaking a bone.
The report generated is based on the information you provide, so may be open to interpretation. Please always talk to a healthcare professional to discuss your bone health. ROS is not responsible for and has no liability for misinterpretation, misuse of information, loss or damage arising from any reliance on or use of the information provided by the risk checker, the report it generates and the information or guidance provided.
Do you have questions about the ROS osteoporosis risk checker or your results? Read our osteoporosis risk checker frequently asked questions here.