Sheffield Volunteer Team
The Sheffield Volunteer Team is a group of volunteers who offer people affected with osteoporosis the chance to meet other people in the area similarly affected, get information, support and ask questions about osteoporosis treatment and care.
Programme 2024
Tuesday 30 January, 7pm (Online)
A talk by the ROS Specialist Nurse Helpline, with the opportunity to ask your questions
Thursday 14 March (at Graves Leisure Centre, Sheffield S8 8JR)
A talk and discussion on safe exercises for healthy bones
Samantha Owen, Fitness Manager at Graves Leisure Centre
Thursday 9 May
CAMEO - Come and Meet Each Other
Thursday 11 July
CAMEO - Come and Meet Each Other
Friday 18 October
Dr Marian Schini from Sheffield Metabolic Bone Clinic will be giving medical and research updates
Christmas Lunch - dates and details to be announced
Venue: Hilton Suite, Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street, Sheffield S1 1HA
Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm (unless specified)
Admission: We ask for a £3 donation which will include coffee or tea. We are always happy to welcome new people to the group, and look forward to seeing you at a meeting.
For further information regarding the support group, please contact:
Sheffield Volunteers